I’ve been spending the last couple of days in Serra da Estrela as part of a photography and storytelling project in collaboration with Nelson Carvalheiro Travel & Food and Visit Centro de Portugal, the Tourism Department of Central Portugal. I’d visited Serra da Estrela already two times in the past years, but this is the first time I’m here in the Winter. It’s not as cold as they say it uses to be this time of the year, but temperatures may fall during the week.
These days I’m focusing on photographing landscapes but I also had a chance or two to photograph local people and learn about their stories and their connection to their land. The light is so beautiful up here, and there’s a different atmosphere compared to the summer. A little photo round up below.
Manteigas before sunrise, as seen from the balcony of my hotel room. Located right in the hearth of the scenic Zezere river’s Glacial Valley, and close to many hiking trails, Manteigas is the best gateway to Serra da Estrela.Dinis is only 9 years old but he knows he wants to be a herder. He lives with his mum, his two uncles and his beloved goats. He goes to school during the week, but at weekends he wakes up early, milk the goats and take them out with his uncle Miguel.Miguel and little Dinis at work herding their goatsSerra da EstrelaCantaro Magro, one of the most iconic rock formations in Serra da EstrelaSerra da EstrelaA Mountain road on the way up to Torre, the top of Serra da Estrela, in beautiful atmospheric light.The scenic Glacial Valley covered in thick fog.Torre, the plateau at the top of Serra da EstrelaThe view from Torre, the top of Serra da Estrela, at about 2000 meters, at twilight.
Great photos! So familiar to us! Would you like to take a peek at our tourism magazine?
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Thanks for the comment – will check out your links for sure.